Previous Event:
International Sufi Symposium
Peace and God Consciousness
- The Journey of the Soul -
An opportunity to learn about the spiritual
and mystical dimensions of religions
October 2003
The Australian Centre for Sufism and Irfanic Studies presented the fourth annual
international Sufi symposium to explore the purpose of the
journey of this life through the teachings of Christianity,
Islam, Buddhism and Sufism. The program included international
and local spiritual leaders, Sufi music, poetry & Zikr.

Fleur Nassery Bonnin
Fleur Nassery Bonnin is a
Sufi teacher, psychologist and the Founder and Director
of the Australian Centre for Sufism and Irfanic Studies. Originally
from Persia, she has practised in the United States for many
years and now lives and works in Australia, focusing on Sufi
psychology and spiritual teaching. In Sufism, self-knowledge
is the path that leads to the knowledge of God. Self-realisation
as a vehicle for spiritual unfoldment is at the centre of
Fleur's teaching. Her emphasis is for the seeker to apply
the gained knowledge in every day life in order to experience
God Consciousness.

Father Greg Homeming
Father Greg Homeming is a Friar in the Order
of Discalced Carmelites in Australia where he is currently
Director of Vocations and Novice Master. The Carmelites are
a Christian contemplative order who use prayer and contemplation,
seeking to live in the presence of God. He has a degree in
Theology from the Melbourne College of Divinity and a post
graduate degree in Philosophy from Melbourne University. Father
Homeming specialises in the spirituality of St John of the
Cross and St Teresa of Avila and is active in working with
youth in the community.

Venerable Tenzin Chönyi
Venerable Tenzin Chönyi is a Buddhist
nun from Chenrezig Nuns' Community and is currently Spiritual
Program Coordinator and resident western teacher at the Vajrayana
Institute. Prior to her ordination, she was Dr Diana Taylor,
a psychologist in private practice. One of her main interests
is exploring the similarities and differences in the ways
in which Buddhist psychology and western psychology view the
mind. Her unique and skilled combination of Buddhist and western
studies enables her to apply Buddhist teachings to the western
context in a way that is readily accessible to all.

Sheikh Ibrahim al Ansari
Sheikh Ibrahim al Ansari is a Sheikh of
the Qadiri-Rifa’i Tariqa in Berkeley California, a musician
and a composer. He has a BA degree from the University of
California, Santa Cruz in Performance Integration of World
Myths and Music and an MA in Music Composition. He has studied
the mystical traditions of many of the world religions including
Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism and he teaches Sufism.
Persian Musicians
Sufi Music and Poetry
Sufi Music and Poetry. In Sufism, music
has always been linked with poetry. In Persian Sufi music
in particular, the role of poetry is more accentuated. This
unique combination of music and poetry awakens the heart of
the listener to the spirit of the message.
Zikr is a spiritual practice of remembrance
through calling the names of Allah (swt). As a spiritual and
mystical state it conveys a paradox: although Zikr means ‘remembrance’,
the ultimate experience which the practice points towards
is ‘forgetfulness’, forgetting everything but
God. |